– College Writing 1 is a mandatory course for 1st grade students. It is highly recommended for students to take the course during their 1st academic year.
※ Recommended semester(Spring or Fall) for taking College Writing course is different according to College or Department. Students should check his/her own College’s or Department’s recommended semseter.
[Before taking course please check below]
• College Writing 1 course and College Writing 2 course must be taken in stages.
(If you don’t complete College Writing 1 course, you can’t take College Writng 2 course.)
• College Writing 1 course is offered both in Regular Semesters(Fall, Spring) and Summer/Winter Sessions
(Note: Winter/Summer Session course is only for Course Repitetion)
• Some classes of College Writing 1 course are only for overseas Korean students or foreign students.
– Ovreseas Kroean Class: Korean students who admitted through International Admission type1 or 2 only can register for this class.
– Foreing Student Class: Foreign students who admitted through International Admission type1 or Exchange Stuednts can only register for this class.
* Please check Remark section of Course Details on Course Registration System.
College Writing 1 Course Registration Regulation
• Students in their 1st academic year have priority to register for College Writing 1 course.
• Quota Exceeding Course Registration is not allowed(Exception: If all College Writing 1 classes are full, a student in his/her last semester before gradutation can appply for Quota Exceeding Course Registration. In this case, the student should get permission from Department Office in advance.)
• College Writing 1 courses offered in Winter/Summer Sessions are only for Course Repetition.